
Never wake up a dreaming team.
(Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Quadbeck-Seeger)

perfekte Teamarbeit

Gewöhnlich kann jeder, wir sind anders

Schulenburg Photography consists of a young, cutting-edge and creative team from Germany. Professionally directed by a former model, who organizes and coordinates photo shoots as well as supports a highly skilled photographer, the passion behind the studio is to inspire extraordinary photo shoots, create unique images and unforgettable experiences.

Katrin Reinecke

das internationale Model

Henry Schulenburg

der charismatische Fotograf mit Bart

Anja Rühl

die Frau für den perfekten Augenaufschlag


r-evolve design
Jan Dippold-Blizzkrieger
Anja Rouge


Pictures Magazine
Elements Magazine 
Rude Magazine
Fart Magazine
Port01 Leipzig 
Zirkus Porbst Kalender 2012

Making of